A few months ago,
I had the privilege of attending
Houston’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work for award ceremonies. The companies were judged on:
- work-life balance
- culture
- diversity
- communication
- employee education
- employee recognition
- employee retention
The companies focused on finding people who would be the best fit for their company. The companies all had amazing cultures based on teamwork, collaboration, and sincere relationships. (I could talk here at length about how teachers are randomly forced to work together without any consideration of personalities whatsoever, and expected to get along, collaborate and support each other, but I'll save that for another post.)
Some companies had gyms, free healthy meals, and even nightclubs. But one simple thing ALL the BEST AND BRIGHTEST had in common was :
Some gave recognition in forms of personal recognition
during “town hall” type meetings. Some gave monetary rewards. Some companies had regular happy hours to
celebrate accomplishments. Others gave
“shout outs “on social media.
What a simple, but meaningful idea-
A shout out on
social media.
It could be a tweet,
an instagram, or a quick note on facebook.
Recognition doesn't cost a dime. Just a few minutes to say “great job with ( whatever it is)”
and tag the person. Maybe snap a picture of the teacher or the activity. ( be careful only to get children whom have permission to be photographed, or just get the backs of their heads)
The best and brightest businesses have figured that out and
they use it to encourage their employees.
And again- I can't help but think of my teacher friends.
How encouraging it would be for them to get a shout out on
social media to say – you're doing a great job, and we noticed.
I was asked once if I just “wanted people to clap for me” in
recognition of my accomplishments. Mainly the fact that I survived another year teaching a classroom full of "That kid." ( How dare I ask for a handshake or a pat on the back when year after year my class was comprised more and more with those kids and less and less of the "best and brightest." What was I thinking?)
I responded that I don’t need applause, but some sort of
recognition for my accomplishments after 14 years of teaching, and now leaving the profession- would be nice.
But that’s ridiculous.
Why don't we
celebrate teachers everyday?
Whether or not we agree with the present educational system.
Whether or not we like the teacher.
administrators, how much effort would it possibly take to snap a photo
during a walk through or after an ARD of a teacher who did an amazing job –
maybe holding their tongue, or trying a new <<gasp>> technology or teaching method?
It doesn't cost a dime!
Just a quick “shout out” to someone who did something you noticed.
It’s not a
It’s not a gym.
It’s not a bonus.
It’s not a week
after a really long year where the students are told what to bring the
teacher for “Teacher Appreciation Week.” ( how meaningful it is to receive a gift someone was TOLD to bring you <<eyeroll>>)
It’s a two second act
That could mean the world…
And maybe ... just maybe-
keep teachers from
leaving the
like I did.
And maybe ... just maybe-
keep teachers from
leaving the
like I did.